Monday, January 18, 2010

BioJava Hackathon - Day 1 part 2

Continuation of Day 1...

We had more discussion about how to deal with the sequence modules, bytecode dependencies of the core module and related topics. Seems there is a general agreement about moving the current sequence code out of the core module into its own space. Will continue tomorrow morning, when Richard Holland is back.

On a different side of things, Christoph Gille, Jules Jacobsen and I were discussing how to provide a Model View Control interface for using various open source 3D visualization libraries (Jmol, RCSB Libraries, Astex Viewer) together with Biojava.

We spent a lot of time discussing today, hope to be able to get more code done tomorrow.


  1. Nice to hear the discussion about a generic MVC for structure visualization in biojava. On the design/discussion front, it would be great to see where this might fit in the 'grand plan' for biojava3!

  2. There are a couple of implementations of the Swing Applications Framework that can be used to provide MVC support for these libraries. There's also Griffon.
